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Highly effective muscle and soft-tissue treatments


Bliss Clinic is also a registered Physical Therapy Clinic which employs physiotherapists, fitness therapists and massage therapists as part of their treatment team. These therapists combine their knowledge and skills learned at school with the specialized soft-tissue treatments, such as trigger point therapyfascia and scar-tissue release, that they learn as a staff member at Bliss Clinic. Armed with both methods they are able to give highly effective muscle and soft-tissue treatments which are not available elsewhere ln Finland.

Patients can get reimbursement from KELA in Finland for services which the therapists provide. Bliss Clinic is a member of FYSI, Suomen fysioterapia -ja kuntoutusyrittäjät Ry (Finnish Assoc. of Physiotherapy Entrepreneurs).

Team Treatment

Typically, our patients are treated by both the chiropractor and the physical therapists during their treatment period at Bliss Clinic. Each has a different set of skills which is required in a well-rounded treatment program. This ‘team’ approach works very well and patient satisfaction is high.

Patients may opt to receive treatment solely from the physiotherapist or massage therapist if they wish. A referral from a medical doctor is not required to recieve treatment from the therapists at Bliss Clinic, that is, patients can come independently, However, if they have a medical referral for physiotherapy or massage, they can freely use it at our Clinic.