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Bliss Clinic offers the following services and treatments: Chiropractic, Well-being at work, Chiropractic Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Performance Enhancement, Trigger Point Therapy, Fascia and Scar Tissue Release, Active Release Techniques – ART®, Applied Kinesiology, Craniosacral Therapy, Foot Orthotics, Lectures...
Performance Enhancement
At Bliss Clinic, we enable athletes and non-athletes, professionals and amateurs, stars and aspiring-stars to take their skills, their performances, and thus, their confidences to higher levels. Elite and recreational athletes, musicians, singers, stressed-out executives, golf players and even children with learning disorders come to Bliss Clinic to improve their performance skills and “up their games”.
Pain & Symptoms
Posture Correction
Bliss Method
Performance Enhacement
Physiotherapy & Soft Tissue Therapies
Foot Orthotics